Monday, March 19, 2012

My Articles

What can I do about my emotional triggers?

Have you ever felt, "I was never taught how to prevent going through trauma once my buttons are pushed." Many of us, sadly, are not taught how to prevent some trauma buttons from forming from a young enough age to go unscathed in one way or another, so we are left to learn other ways of coping with certain traumas. (To Read More...)

Things Women Like to Hear From Their Partner

Have you ever wanted to know what to say to make her feel fabulous? Do you need more words to tell her you love her? (To Read More...)

Love Languages!

Why do I feel so unloved with my partner? Why does my partner not feel I love them?
I once thought that everyone loves and understands love and expresses love the same ... but that was when I was little. Very early on in my observations and readings over the years growing up, I have learned that there are as many ways and kinds of love as there are people. (To Read More...)